Exibido em: 02-Jul-2014
Inserir uma minissinopse do episódio
- Ele tinha um ótimo gosto.
- Sim, ele tinha mesmo. HAUIHAIUAHAIUAH
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Victoria: Oh darn! Get this: Salma Hayek is now the spokesperson for UNICEF!
Elka: That selfless bitch! Joy: I just talked to Mitch on the phone. All he wants is to win Melanie back. I mean, what has she got that I haven't got? ... Shut up, Elka... Elka: I didn't say anything... Boobs. :)
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Série é da Victoria
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engraçado que assim que a Melanine disse: "He ate people and he liked it." comecei a cantar essa frase na música da Katy Perry
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I like big guts and i cannot lie.
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