Exibido em: 31-Mai-2016
Ultima edição: carol_zinha | Editar minissinopse |
- Damn, dude.
- Damn, dude. - You heard that, right? - I'd have sex with that guy. - Holy shit. - Shit was HOT - That shit was hot! - Let's get some ribs. melhor brotp < 3
37 0 0 |
o peter disfarçando os erros da vida dele contando fatos de grey's anatomy!!!!
27 0 0 |
-Peter how is your new job? who's mindy? is she as cool as me? I hate her.
-Mindy, his new practice is so full of drama. Tell her about meredith and derek -Meredith and derek? woah, it's like you work in grey's anatomy O BERRO Q EU DEI
22 0 0 |
achei que a Lauren tava traindo o Peter com o "pool boy". Fui trouxa.
21 0 0 |
Santiago Cabrera, que homem
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