Exibido em: 18-Abr-2013
Ultima edição: julia m. ⏳ | Editar minissinopse |
April mitou com aquela carta hahahahaha
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"well, have you seen those dothraki dudes? they can get it" Donna <3 hahaha
April diva!
67 0 3 |
episódio mais nerd impossível. Game of Thrones e Star Wars!!! ahuahauahaauahauh Foi muito bom.
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leslie knope é a pessoa mais incrível desse mundo
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"I keep getting outbid by someone call Tall Tyrion Lannister. What kind of name is that?"
"Are you kidding me? Tyrion Lannister? Lord of Casterly Rock? The half man? You don't watch Game of Thrones?" "No, do you?" "Hell, yeah! Have you seen those Dothraki dudes? They can get it! Everyone on that show can get it!" Referências de GoT. <3
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