Exibido em: 03-Nov-2014
Ultima edição: KaVarPet | Editar minissinopse |
E a Caroline comendo escondida no supermercado, já aprendeu a ser pobre a muito tempo.
119 0 2 |
"nice to meet you, Max"
"Yeah, nice to meet you too. And you can just call me what you usually do: 'Oh God'"
85 0 2 |
"Well I have a sexy secret. A crush on a girl"
"Oleg we all know it's me. That sweat-pant salute never lies" "Not you, don't kid yourself, you couldn't handle this beast in the sheets" "I could totally handle you on the sheets, Oleg" "What are you fighting for Caroline????????"
67 0 1 |
what is this, 12 years a waitress?
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Vanko Oleg and his brothers Vanko and Vanko!
Spin-off pls! HAHAHA
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