Exibido em: 27-Set-2020
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Detalhes que fazem TUDO: a cena com a mulher negra dirigindo a moto foi uma referência histórica a Bessie Stringfield, a primeira mulher negra a dirigir de moto pelo país sozinha.
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a deusa/androide foi inspirada na elza soares no videoclipe "mulher do fim do mundo"!!!! < 3
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Quando hypólita viu Deus, ela viu uma mulher preta. Isso resume muito da narrativa, diz muito sobre episódio.
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Lovecraft Country - George Freeman
O livro véi :O
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I’m not real. I’m just like you. You don’t exist in this society. If you did, your people wouldn’t be seeking equal rights. You’re not real. If you were, you’d have some status among the nations of the world. So we’re both myths. I do not come to you as a reality; I come to you as the myth, because that’s what black people are. Myths. I came from a dream that the black man dreamed a long time ago. I’m actually a presence sent to you by your ancestors.
- Sun Ra, Myth, Science and Science Fiction
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