Exibido em: 05-Dez-2017
Ultima edição: carol_zinha | Editar minissinopse |
" Oh, what is happening? I feel like all of my power is draining from me. "
" I think, maybe, you're experiencing insecurity. " " No, that's dumb! "
15 0 0 |
you can't control that
but i really want to control it eu
13 0 0 |
"we're not gonna pay, we're not gonna pay, we're not gonna pay this guy Brent, that guy Brent"
Tô passando mal com essa versão de Rent hahahahah
13 0 0 |
Jessica querendo usar a foto de outra asiática no livro dela hahahahaha
12 0 0 |
i'd say "congrats," but i don't really mean it.
11 0 0 |