Exibido em: 19-Abr-2016
Ultima edição: carol_zinha | Editar minissinopse |
"what about me? if something happens to jake and he never get to meet my baby? i don't wanna hang out with some stupid baby who's never met jake" MELHOR AMIZADE
491 0 4 |
Vocês não sabem o quanto eu amo o fato de que Jake e Amy não são um casal off and on.
430 0 0 |
Peralta: "All we have to do is follow the trail of chocolate."
Scully: "This. This is why I became a cop." < 3
371 0 0 |
'I watch a lot of Grey´s Anatomy the show is surprisingly accurate'
'Yeah the one episode I watched there was a bomb is the guy´s butt' 'oh that was a good one'
327 0 3 |
Terry: ... You're a genius!
Gina: Well, I'd love to take credit, but the truth is, life just isn't that hard. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
300 0 3 |