Exibido em: 20-Jul-2015
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Segunda, Quarta e Sexta: Stiles fica com a Lydia ... Terça, Quinta e Sábado: Stiles fica com a Malia ... e no Domingo: Ménage à trois
Viu, se organizar direitinho, da sim pra shippar os dois
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"Scott: They're pretty good together.
Kira: Yeah, they are. Scott: No super strength or samurai swords, but they stay alive. Kira: He still likes her, doesn't he? Scott: Yeah. But it's different now. You should have seen the way he used to be around her. Kira: Was it bad? Scott: It was kind of obsessive, but not all bad. You knew Lydia used to pretend not to be smart? Kira: Our Lydia? Scott: Yeah, Stiles was the only one who knew. Kira: How? Scott: He paid attention. He listened to her. He remembered." EU TO EU TO QUE NEM SEI
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eu fico impressionado em como essa escola fica aberta 24h por dia
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Matou um ser sobrenatural e precisa se livrar do corpo? Não se preocupe, o Parrish se livra pra você, com ou sem a sua permissão
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Stiles, 73kg de pele pálida e ossos frágeis, com sarcasmo sendo sua única defesa DA MAIS PORRADA QUE UM TRUE ALPHA
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