Exibido em: 13-Abr-2014
Ultima edição: rawjj | Editar minissinopse |
- Tina...
- What? - Play with the doll. - But I'm too old to... - Tina, play with the doll! Play with it! - Okay! I'll... Neigh! - Make it jump! - Uh, well, the... she doesn't actually jump. - I know it doesn't jump! You know how I know that? 'Cause I read 1,200 pages of Equestranaut crap! Keep playing with it! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
18 0 0 |
Acabei descobrindo que esse episódio foi inspirado nos Bronies, que são fãs de My Little Pony que também não são menininhas (público alvo) tipo
http://www.marketplace.org/sites/default/files/styles/primary-image-610 Nem sabia da existência de tal coisa :o
6 0 0 |
"Tina, play with the doll! PLAY WITH IT!" essa parte. kkkkkkk
2 0 0 |
-I'm not a grown man
-You can't barely tell
2 0 0 |
"Tina, play with the doll! PLAY WITH IT!"
1 0 0 |