Exibido em: 09-Set-2014
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You think you know death, but you don't. Not until you've seen it - really seen it. It gets under your skin and lives inside you. You also think you know life. You stand on the edge of things and watch it go by but you’re not living it. Not really. Just a tourist. A ghost. And then you see it - really see it, and it gets under your skin and lives inside you. And there's no escape. There's nothing to be done. And you know what? It's good. It's a good thing. And that's all I've got to say about it.
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"What, you think you could kill me? I'm fucking Cook, mate. FUCKING COOK!"
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Melhor despedida que Skins poderia ter: Cook andando em direção ao horizonte. VIVO.
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Só não gostei da Emma ter morrido.
Cook encerrou Skins da forma q só ele conseguiria. Foi o melhor desfecho de todos, não haveria forma melhor de terminar essa série. Queria saber o que acontece com ele depois de tudo isso, mas nunca vamos saber. E assim acaba uma era. Uma das melhores séries q já vi, sem dúvida.
113 0 0 |
Skins Rise foi o melhor dessa temporada, lindo series finale.
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