Exibido em: 20-Fev-2015
Ultima edição: moon | Editar minissinopse |
Não importa o universo alternativo a amizade entre Cole e Ramse jamais deve mudar huahsuh
105 0 0 |
"I called 911" "What's 911?"
94 0 3 |
Se cancelarem essa série vou mandar o exército dos 12 Macacos atacar a sede do Syfy.
84 0 2 |
"Everybody's got two wolves inside them. Both of them are starving. One wolf is... anger, envy, pride. The other one is truth, kindness. Every day, they tear each other apart. But it's not the better wolf that wins. It's the one you feed. Cassie feeds the good one." <3
69 0 0 |
~Cole~ --Give me a gun.
~Aaron~ -- What? I left in the car.. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #euri.
69 0 0 |