Exibido em: 02-Fev-2016
Ultima edição: JucaSon | Editar minissinopse |
"dad had sex with my turtle?" GRITO
325 0 5 |
"all right, what i am about to say will make you very horny, but you have to try and remember that we're still at work... do you want me to quiz you?" "oh, god, yes"
283 0 4 |
jake: she's very good at lip reading.
amy: i wouldn't say i'm very good. i mean, deaf people, they're the real talents.
254 0 5 |
H: Do you have any experience with puzzle?
S: Yes, I never solved one. Claramente eu na vida.
222 0 5 |
G: Adults don't care about their birthdays.
J: You came to work last year on a horse.
189 0 4 |