Exibido em: 11-Mar-2014
Ultima edição: iana | Editar minissinopse |
"first time i've ever had that in my mouth"
"oh yeah? how was it?" "ehhhh" QUERIA TER VISTO O BOLO POXA
73 0 0 |
"Leslie Shay... is she your girlfriend?"
"She probably would be if she wasn't lesbian."
57 0 2 |
Chicago Fire a série que nunca decepciona, NUNCA!
54 0 0 |
- Plot do Herrmann e a reação da esposa dele.... ótimo!
- O diálogo entre a Gabby e a Shay no final sobre o bolo... hahahahahahahahaha - Benny se livrou do Keeler. Se livrou da prisão tb graças ao Voight. o/ - Atendente stalker atrás da Gabby: creepy.
42 0 0 |
-What part of the cake did you get?
- I think the epididymes, you? - Corpus spongiosum. First time I've ever had that in my mouth. - Oh yeah? How is it? - Meh. Melhor diálogo ever!
40 0 0 |