Exibido em: 29-Set-2016
Ultima edição: Daniella | Editar minissinopse |
"that's how you got Beyoncé" HAUHAUHUAHAUHUA
420 0 6 |
"Oh, wow. For the first time ever, I'm the smartest kid in class."
400 0 5 |
Jason tava melhor caladinho, assim a gente não percebia o quanto ele é idiota rs
365 0 1 |
- Obviously, it's impossible for something to be more perfect than perfect..
- Well, it isn't, actually. Any place or thing in the universe can be up to 104% perfect. That's how you got Beyoncé.
250 0 4 |
Quero já um episódio crossover bad place com good place
244 0 0 |