Exibido em: 27-Jun-2017
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To vendo que a Laura vai se dar mal com essa crush aí
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Alex (mozao) citando Fleetwood Mac < 3
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Semana passada a sexta e essa semana o sábado gente eu já quero acompanhar todos os dias da vida deles sim
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A esposa já confrontando a Laura kkk
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- Global warming's gonna get us anyway
- You're right. But Florida will be the first to go, literally underwater, 27 electoral votes set free, which shifts the map, maybe slows things. - Still - I know. Even if we fix it all tomorrow, the sun will still expand, boil our surface water, and turn our planet into Venus. Scary and inevitable. But given our history of innovation, maybe our descendants, even your anxious grandchildren, will have found a way to move on to other planets - I guess that's kind of cool
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