Exibido em: 16-Nov-2016
Ultima edição: Lucas | Editar minissinopse |
"I don't want you to get too close and then realize I'm actually not that likeable"
Arnold (3x01)
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- I think we have to break up.
-Oh, no. -Yeah, no, I'm sorry. I just... -You wanna throw me away? - What? No. No, I just... I really thought you saw this coming. Honestly, I thought you'd be relieved. - Why here? -I just got overwhelmed. We're always fighting. And... I mean, I did not think this through. - You had to do this here? Now? You couldn't pretend to like me until we got home? - I just got a bit overwhelmed and, yeah, I made a mistake. - Oh, my God, this is happening. I can't believe this is actually happening! - Sorry - Fuck you, seriously, stop crying. Always worrying about your fucking forehead. It's not even your worst feature. You are incapable of being happy! Anytime everyone is happy and calm, you say something mean. You're always trying to start a fight. A pathological quest for stimulus. Claire got out. She did it. I should have taken the hint when your best friend left you, you're a shit guy. I wish I could have taken the hint for myself. Fuck! You are never going to be happy, Josh.I'm sorry, Josh. I didn't... I didn't mean it, Josh.
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eu adorei o arnold cantando diamond
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E que nojo deles rindo do Arnold enquanto ele cantava
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Essa cena de sexo superou as cenas de sexo de Girls em nível de constrangimento 😂😂
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