Exibido em: 25-Set-2017
Ultima edição: Fernanda Allen | Editar minissinopse |
A cena do Howard vendo o teste de gravidez positivo foi sensacional. Que belo retorno!
227 0 0 |
- Anywhere Jesus is, is a church.
- Well, he won't be at our wedding. - He's in my heart, so if i'm there, he'll be there. - Okay, well, then, he's your plus-one. You don't get to bring anyone else.
187 0 4 |
Espero que nessa temporada finalmente façam uma história decente pro coitado do Raj.
179 0 0 |
''More than one woman was interested in you? I might have prayed too hard...''
Gente, a reação do Howard foi maravilhosa HAUHAUHAUAHUAHAUAH
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I've been thinking about the Avengers.
I realized that Iron Man is great. And also, that Captain America is great. And sometimes, Iron Man is in a Captain America movie, and he's not mad it's not an Iron Man movie. You know, he can fly in, give the audience a thrill, and then fly away. And that should've been me tonight. I should've been the delightful cameo in your movie. AMEI A REFERÊNCIA
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