Exibido em: 09-Mai-2013
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"there's someone else in the world with corrupted dna" "oh god she's pregnant?" "no, gabe" "gabe got her pregnant?" "gabe is the one with corrupted dna"
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"Tess, I'm ten days late." "Oh." "Don't 'oh' like that." "Sorry, it's just my head went to Breaking Dawn Part 2."
"Is Gabe like Vincent? What is that, the zombie apocalypse?" Tess <3 Sabia que o Gabe tava legal demais pra ser confiável, que filho da puta, querendo matar o Vincent pra se curar, af. E a Cat achando que tava nascendo um bromance.
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Breaking Dawn Part 2!
"apocalipse zumbi" hahahaha TESS É DEMAIS!
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''what is this? the zombie apocalipse?"
"Oh God, she is pregnant?'' ''No, Gabe'' ''Gabe got her pregnant?'' Morta com a Tess e JT, o episodio teve um tom cômico tão gostoso!
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J.T. "Cat está grávida" "Gabe engravidou a Cat" muitooo bom, ri demais. Tess incrível.
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