Exibido em: 18-Out-2016
Ultima edição: JSA | Editar minissinopse |
" You need to be a kid. I promise you can be a capitalist pig when you grow up "
Mães ♥
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Não achei q fosse gostar tanto dessa série. Me identifiquei com a Katie em várias situações. É td tão leve, divertido q eu nem vejo o tempo passar.
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"My wife is married to a feminist."
You should not be allowed to wear that t-shirt. If you were a real feminist, you would bE A WOMAN!!!
7 0 0 |
"Oliver: This is why bankers die at 40.
Katie: So you have 28 years until your first heart attack. Go rest up for it" "It's okay. My mom had a breakdown, too." Amei a lição que ela deu pro Oliver fazendo ele pegar lixo do lado da estrada. kkkkkkk
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