Exibido em: 28-Set-2016
Ultima edição: JSA | Editar minissinopse |
''Too late. He died.'' kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
41 0 0 |
''-I mean, you people are jerks.
-No. We're idiots.'' A cena deles no banheiro foi tão significativa < 3
31 0 0 |
Ganhou temporada completa < 3
24 0 0 |
Kenneth: here he is. You can ask him yourself
Maya: did he just put you on the phone? Take the phone back, Kenneth, the boy doesn't speak, that's kind of the whole thing!!!!
18 0 0 |
Amando a amizade do JJ com a Louisa Clark dele ♥
15 0 0 |