Exibido em: 02-Jul-2020
Ultima edição: Thiago Carapina | Editar minissinopse |
“the dannyzens and i have been out in the world for the past... month. and sadly, the world hasn’t changed that much. people still made jokes behind my back and to my face. my trans-sisters are still being murdered. human beings are cruel to people that are different from them. yeah, out there i had to read a motherfucker. he was screaming at me, calling me all kinds of freak. i let him know he hated the fact that i was human, just like him. that’s what disturbed him. that we somehow breathe the same air and walk the same streets. so much self-hatred out there. and people turn that hatred on anyone who doesn’t look, or act like them. life is short, vic. go where you feel love. and if that love’s consistent, stay.”
esse foi, com certeza, o monólogo mais poderoso de toda a série, simplesmente lindo demais
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"Is anyone gonna say anything about the fact that Rita's G-spot almost ended the fucking world?"
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queria um pouco do que esses escritores usam
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Que cena linda da Dorothy cantando Pure Imagination. 😍
Mas Sex Ghosts???? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA Essa série é muito louca. E quando você acha que já foi loucura suficiente, a Jane vai lá e coloca o bebê de volta pra onde ele saiu. Hahahhahahha
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Meu Deus, eu amo uma série louca que sabe explorar sua falta de limites para fazer episódios incríveis como esse!
Ai gente, coitado do Larry. Se soltando ali numa boa na festa e logo foi rejeitado... :/ Ai, a minha curiosidade para a história da Rita é muito grande. Uma das que a gente menos conhece... :/
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