Exibido em: 16-Mai-2019
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pensei q eles iam se beijar no final '-'
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o videogame cloak and dagger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as séries da marvel desconhecem limites
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Não que eu saiba muito sobre o tema, mas acho que não passa um esmalte por cima do outro assim
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''-Why did you come to that motel and try and save me?
-Because I couldn't imagine my life without you. -I did. Andre he made me see you dying in front of me. And the one person in the whole world who understood me was gone and it was my fault. -He messed with my head, too. Made me feel like you never cared about me. Like it was all just an act. -You know, maybe you're right. Maybe it is better to ignore everything. All I know is I'd rather fight a hundred times with you than one time without you. So if you're staying here, so am I.'' Aaaaaaaa < 3
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Eu shippo a Tandy e o Ty, mas a amizade deles é tão linda que tenho medo de um romance prejudicar.
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