Exibido em: 08-Mar-2016
Ultima edição: Fellipe Ferreira | Editar minissinopse |
A irmã dele foi bem fdp, menina sabe ficar de boca fechada não? eu heim
A carta no final :( Acho q agr as coisas vão esquentar um pouco kkkkk
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fui assistir o episódio esperando desenvolvimento positivo do Brian com a Rebecca, e o episódio veio com briga entre os dois, Brian indo pra casa procurando amor e sendo expulso, e ainda por cima agora ele ta com a vida toda cagada, isso pra não falar da carta no final. É aquele ditado, fui otária.
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Brian e Rebecca brigando 💔
A carta 💔 Brian brigando com a família 💔 Esse ep foi o pacote completo
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Isso pareceu um finale. '-'
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"Hey. Thought about stopping by, but I figured you'd seen enough of me lately. You should know a few things. I'm sorry for the things I said. You deserve better than that. Whatever else happens, you saw potential in me that no one else ever did. It's not just the pill that changed my life, it's you. So, thanks for that. Things may get a little crazy for a while. I know I haven't given back as much as you've given me. There's probably no way I ever could. But starting now, I'm going to try. And in order to try, I've got to do a few things. So you may not hear from me for a minute. I think I have a way to make some of this okay. And if it all works out, I'll see you in a few days. And if it doesn't? Well... we had some lulz, right?"
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