Exibido em: 06-Out-2014
Ultima edição: Alex Santana | Editar minissinopse |
Imaginando Howard, Raj e Sheldon em uma van, oferecendo doces pras crianças nos parques... hahahaha
108 0 2 |
-Can you see how a grown man an accomplished scientist who invests in a store that sells picture books about flying men in colorful underwear might be wasting both his financial and intellectual resources?
-NO. UHAUHSUAHS Ai Sheldon <3
80 0 1 |
- No one ever says they don't like you straight to your face.
- We have led different lives. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk aiai Amy
74 0 0 |
"I'm with him for three years and nothing, she is with him for two minutes and he is taking his pants off"
66 0 0 |
normalmente gosto de cabelos curtos, mas o da Penny não me agradou ):
62 0 0 |