Exibido em: 28-Jul-2016
Ultima edição: Alexandre | Editar minissinopse |
A primeira temporada tava tão melhor, saudades dessa época
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"Let's have Ryan Adams do one of those Taylor Swift-type covers of Father John Misty doing a Lou Reed cover of Ava covering Ariana Grande."
"Dude, if I was banging Taylor Kinney, I would have three kids right in a row, and then I would wait till they were teenagers and retire and just live off the mega-cash they'd make from their modeling careers." "I'm passionate about a million different things. I'm passionate about Syrian refugees. I'm passionate about Demi Lovato." eu vivo por essa referências maravavilhosas
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A conversa sobre a Gaga e o noivado com o Taylor me doeu, ainda não acredito que o otp terminou
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Ava e Flash... sei não hein
Johnny sendo desnecessário again
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Estou dando 10 porque a Gigi falou do Taylor Kinney s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2
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