Exibido em: 01-Jan-2018
Ultima edição: step_ | Editar minissinopse |
Meu deus do céu o Luke roubando um poema sobre "sair do armário" e indignado que todas as autoras morreram kkkkkk
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Achei meio escrotice da Abigail escrever a história da Evie sem permissão.
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I'm just saying relationships are difficult. Especially if they don't love you.
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"How can you love someone entirely when you can't know them entirely?...
There might always be something there, waiting to break your heart, out of nowhere" 💔💔💔💔 O conto da Abigail é sobre a conversa dela com a Evie, por isso que ela não queria que ele assistisse 😵😮 O LUKE SAINDO DO ARMÁRIO SEM SABER CHOREI HAHAHAHAHAHA
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"I don't think we ever really know each other. I mean, not... not fully. And how can you love someone entirely when you can't know them entirely? There might always be something there, waiting to break your heart... out of nowhere." :(
que fotografia linda a da cena deles sentados no café
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