Exibido em: 05-Dez-2013
"right now i'm having a rough time because there's three people in my room and it's starting to feel like a discotheque" sheldon pq tão eu
62 0 0 |
"Uma pequena cidade no leste do Texas onde um jovem gênio chamado...
- Sheldon... - Isso mesmo, Sheldon Cooper " kkkkkkkkkkkk
61 0 0 |
"For your information I have nine friends, hmm?
Ten if we include you. Nine it is."
57 0 0 |
Raj: I said, "Aw, that must hurt," and I rubbed your belly.
Howard: I thought of you the whole time. ahuahauahuahauhauaha
40 0 0 |
"You're tall, thin and famous". HAHAHAHA
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Para ajudá-lo, Leonard realiza uma pesquisa capaz de contestar a teoria do amigo, o que deixa Sheldon ainda mais infeliz.