Exibido em: 13-Mai-2015
Ultima edição: Tamires | Editar minissinopse |
Alguém notou que o nome do cinema era RIALTO e o nome do episódio Crying out Loud? LOL
256 0 2 |
"- Really? Because when we were sick a few weeks ago, you didn't seem to care.
- I didn't care." KKKKKK Lily melhor filha
221 0 2 |
"Street name? Like you're in a gang?" kkkkk
186 0 6 |
"Well, she's not a liar. We did something right" hahahaha Lily sem filtro nenhum <3 "I don't wanna live with aunt Claire!"
154 0 1 |
Mitchel: "Hi, how was your day?"
Lily: "Better than hers. What's wrong now?" Cameron: "We just want to ask if you think I cry to much" Lily: "I dont wanna answer, 'cause you may cry"
137 0 4 |