Exibido em: 05-Fev-2016
Ultima edição: Bruno A. | Editar minissinopse |
"C: Okay, quick story, my friend Tony was dating this guy Tony, who was always hitting on guys behind Tony's back. So, this one time, Tony and I were hanging out, watching the Tonys, and I told Tony that I did not like Tony. Well, now Tony and Tony are married, and since that day I have not seen the Tonys. The guys, not the awards. I would never miss those.
D: There was nothing quick about that damn story."
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Não sei com quem surtei mais. Se foi com o Joel fazendo um pseudo winger 2.0 ou com o Danny aparecendo do nada. MEU DEUS < 3
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Surtei com essa reunião dos atores de Community < 3
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Como esse episódio foi bom!
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Jeff e Abed no mesmo episódio?
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