Exibido em: 12-Jan-2015
Ultima edição: ane | Editar minissinopse |
"Ryan, he is resourceful, but he isn't THAT resourceful"
"He got you to marry him, didn't he?" RYAN MAIOR FANGIRL DO MUNDO
77 0 0 |
"i forgot how creative you can get"
"we're not talking about the case anymore are we?" GENTE eu nao sei como ainda to viva
56 0 1 |
Ryan: How go Castle last night? Is he ahead us or behind us?
Kate: We're definitely ON TOP of him. Hahahahaha help!
55 0 1 |
"when she took something beautiful we built together and shared it with another man"
48 0 1 |
"come on. we both know it was just a one-time thing"
"you know, i thought we had something special!"
48 0 1 |