Exibido em: 08-Jan-2021
Ultima edição: Wallace Fernandes | Editar minissinopse |
A surra de beleza que a Hailee Steinfeld deu nesse episódio.
97 0 0 |
"One time she shot me, with a gun."
"Wow, she sounds awesome!" A LAVINIA É TUDO PRA MIM! Ela na sessão espirita, perfeita.
88 0 4 |
“The witches of Salem walked so we could run” MORRI
85 0 25 |
Emily entendeu a visão toda errada. Amiga você vai MORRER se publicar esses poemas.
Eu amo quando eles usam memes nos diálogos hahahahaha
69 0 0 |
''I think marriage is just a patriarchal system designed to make women less autonomous. You become your husband's property. You have to bear his children. You even have to take his name! What if I don't want a last name? What if I just wanna be Vinnie? A symbol.''
63 0 0 |