Exibido em: 16-Set-2015
Ultima edição: Felipe D. Oliveira | Editar minissinopse |
"(..) the definition of love is putting someone else's needs above yours"
"EW!" Esses personagens são ótimos
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"Woman: What do you need?
Gretchen: Everything! I just moved in with my boyfriend and I don’t have any stuff, except for a food processor and, like, 19 thongs, because even though at first we were like "I am not wearing that", the patriarchy somehow convinced us that visible panty lines were unacceptable, so now I’ve just grown accustomed to the feeling of a fabric rope against my actual asshole all day. And anyway, even if I DID buy the stuff of a life, there’s nowhere for me to put it because I’m not sure this dude really wanted me to move in because I’m an irresponsible monster who burned down her apartment with her vibrator." - as caras da Gretch durante esse monólogo (e o texto em si) valeram tudo!
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Lindsay miga assim não tem como te defender VAMOS PARAR TIPO AGORINHA NÉ NON
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Jimmy e Gretchen melhor casal de todas as séries que eu assisto <3
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Esse casal é muito disfuncionalmente adorável ♥
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