Exibido em: 17-Out-2016
Ultima edição: KaVarPet | Editar minissinopse |
" You ask Michelangelo to paint, and then you criticize the paiting "
" Why are you bringing the Ninja Turtles into this ? " HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
110 0 1 |
"Can you unfollow a person in real life?"
90 0 0 |
os barulhos da Sophie e do Oleg. PASSEI MAL
82 0 0 |
''-Caroline, six years ago, you had a billion dollars, and now... I'm gonna say it...
-Say it! -Old Navy is out of your price range!''
76 0 0 |
Como eu ri com a Sophie gritando "say it!" hauahuhauahu e ela falando que a Barbara vai casar antes da Caroline, socorro hahahahahahahaha
65 0 1 |