Exibido em: 07-Fev-2019
Ultima edição: carol_zinha | Editar minissinopse |
[Rosa]: What is four drinks Amy again?
[Amy]: Why don't you come over here and find out? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Passando aqui só pra deixar essa imagem maravilhosa que merece ser apreciada.
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“I see you lookin’ at Trudy Judy's booty.”
“I am not looking at Trudy Judy's booty.” “Oh you don't think she's a cutie? Don't be snooty." “She's a beauty but I'm on duty.” “And you're married.” “Oh yeah, but that doesn't rhyme.”
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Don't try and duet with me, you bastard. You tricked me. Now give me a hug. I'm so happy you're alive. I'll never forgive you. You're my best friend. Whoa, I just went through a lot of emotions real fast but I think I'm back to normal now.
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Eu to bem triste em não ver a Chelsea na abertura, MAS finalmente colocaram o Joel e o Dirk.
AMO DRUNK AMY E ELA TENTANDO SEDUZIR A ROSA!!!! POR MAIS CENAS ASSIM. Episódio com Doug Judy são sempre bons e adorei colocarem ele sendo enganado pela irmã dessa vez. Amizade Jake x Doug muito boa mas queria uma ceninha do Charles surtando de ciúmes.
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